EU CCP Database – Covid-19 convalescent plasma collection and transfusion in the EU
The European Commission is working together with Member States, the European Blood Alliance (EBA), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and other health professionals to support a study of convalescent plasma as a treatment for COVID-19 patients. The study complements the guidance issued by the European Commission and the 27 Member State competent authorities for blood and blood components.
The open-access database will gather and make available data on convalescent plasma donations and patient outcomes following transfusions. It includes data from blood establishments regarding convalescent donors, donor collection, and plasma products, as well as from clinical trials and from wider monitored use and will consolidate EU evidence on the safety and effectiveness of this therapy.
The database has been developed by the European Commission (DG SANTE, DG DIGIT, and DG CNECT) in collaboration with EBA and will be managed jointly by EBA and the European Commission.
How will the database be filled?

(Click image to enlarge)
How can you participate?
Blood establishments
To join the study, blood establishments should first contact the European Blood Alliance (EBA) at info@europeanbloodalliance.eu. They will then be invited by the Commission to register their details and to submit donation and transfusion outcome data via the database.
This Commission-hosted database is in compliance with GDPR, and hosted data have been assessed to be anonymous. Nevertheless, this compliance does not release the Blood establishments from their responsibility to respect national established GDPR practices when handling CCP donation and transfusion data within their own centre databases.
Clinicians / hospitals
If you would like to participate in the study of convalescent plasma, please contact your local or national blood establishment, the usual supplier of blood components for transfusion to your clinic/hospital. Your blood establishment will also ask you for data on transfusion and clinical outcome. They will take care of entering them into the registry.
If you are a recovered COVID-19 patient, your plasma contains antibodies that may be transfused to patients to help fight the disease that causes the illness. If you would like to know more about donating convalescent plasma, please contact your blood donation service to know whether they are participating in this initiative.
If you are interested in using the data that is aggregated here, please note that general results will be openly available on this webpage as they are analysed. It may also be possible for the European Commission to run specific queries on request. If you have questions, please please check our FAQ or contact sante-soho@ec.europa.eu.
Technical information on the data collection for Blood establishments.
The data collection comprises three modules:
- Blood Establishment Registration module
Initially, each Blood Establishment needs to complete the registration module ONCE to participate in the EU CPP programme (Privacy statement). - CPP collection module
This module includes data on donations and should be completed for each CCP collection performed. You can re-enter the module to update information (e.g. laboratory results) over time. - CPP transfusion and outcome module
This module includes the outcome data from the treatment and should be completed for each CCP transfusion performed, based on data received from the clinician/hospital. You can re-enter the module to update information (e.g. laboratory results) over time.
Should you have technical questions, please contact CEF-BDTI-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu
Aggregated standard reports will be available here as the project progresses. The data will be analysed by the EBA using the Big Data Test Infrastructure (European Commission, DG Connect).
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