Facebook will now take down posts that spread #coronavirus misinformation

Source MIT Technology Review The news: Facebook has started deleting posts that contain false claims about the coronavirus, especially ones spreading dangerous misinformation about treatment—such as that drinking bleach cures the virus—and incorrect advice about available health resources.  Why it matters: This policy change, announced in a blog post, marks a welcome break from Facebook’s usual approach to false information. At

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University of Hong Kong Researchers forecast up to 75,800 People in Wuhan Infected With Coronavirus

The University of Hong Kong researchers used mathematical modeling to come up with the new estimate. With coronavirus panic raging, researchers are racing to determine how widespread the virus actually is. A group of them from the University of Hong Kong think they have the answer, estimating it stands at 75,800 in the city of

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University of Melbourne scientists first to grow and share novel coronavirus

Scientists from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity – a joint venture between the University of Melbourne and the Royal Melbourne hospital – have successfully grown the Wuhan coronavirus from a patient sample, which will provide expert international laboratories with crucial information to help combat the virus. This is the first time the virus has

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2019 Novel #Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). New England Journal of Medicine special page

A collection of articles and other resources on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary. A special page has been created at with a collection of articles and other resources on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.   <>